Monday, September 19, 2011

Nota bene...

...I'm changing the name of my class at Dance Arts Academy on Monday mornings to "Intermediate" from "Beg/Int."  Nothing is changing - not one thing - but it's a better reflection of the class level.  I fear that I have had too many students come to the class thinking it's for beginners when really it's for more experienced dancers. They come once, proclaim its awesomeness, then never return.  Now, there certainly could be other reasons for this but I have a gut feeling it's because the class was too complex for them and they were too shy to tell me that.

And my current students, who are more experienced dancers, have told me that my notion of "easy" or "simple" or "beginner" is not what other people consider as such.  So, I have to go with what the real level of the class is, teach to it, and not feel pressured to make it easier just because the original class in that time slot was called Beg/Int.

So there you go.  Happy dancing~

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