Sunday, February 17, 2013

Class 1 of Elementary Ballet Workshop

The first class of my Elementary Ballet Workshop was fantastic! If you missed it, you can still join us next Saturday, Feb 23rd.  Please send me an email to let me know you'd like to come next weekend.

Here is what we covered:

--Basic positions of the body
--How to stand at the barre, basics of classroom etiquette
--Demi-plie in 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th positions
--Tendus in 1st position
--Degages in 1st position
--Releve and eleve in 1st

We also learned a stretch at the barre and practiced tendus and degages in the center of the room to test our balance and weight-shifting.  Finally, we skipped across the floor to practice working on diagonals.

We will go over all of this next Saturday as well and build on it with more work at the barre and center. There are 3 more classes left in the workshop - so much to learn!

Please note: if you would like to review some of these steps, please see my videos on my YouTube channel link in the sidebar.

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