Monday, October 1, 2018

Help! I've got a cup of water in my pelvis!

I should totally write headlines for a living!

Okay, beautiful dancers, here is a tip to start your week off right:

Imagine you're holding a cup filled to the brim with water (or a cool beverage of your choice, nothing hot!) in the center of your pelvis, in the triangle formed by your pelvic bones and your pubic bone.

Each time you bend your knees for a jump or rise up to a releve, try to keep the cup level so the water doesn't spill. You want to avoid tilting forward or tucking under.

A perfectly level cup of water.
It will also help you keep your balance if you picture trying to keep the water level even. When you're at the barre for plies or working en fondue, imagine the cup in the center of your body, just below your torso, and try not to let it spill over. If you can glance in the mirror at your profile, you can often see what you can't necessarily feel.

Remember: neutral pelvis, neutral back, nothing hyperextended or tucked, and you will be able to balance more easily en releve. You will also be more likely to engage the inner thighs on the return to the standing position from a plie, rather than the larger gluteus muscles in your derriere.

Hope this helps! Happy dancing, everyone~

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