Thursday, June 3, 2021

June: tips, technique & travel!

Hello beautiful dancers!

Happy June to you all! It's made me so happy to see people coming back to class. Former students, new students! Old friends and new! It's not exactly pre-pandemic normal yet, but it's getting there.

This month I'm so excited to be bringing you a new tip for your pirouettes (we can all use more of those!), a new technique class (come on in!), and a reminder that I'm traveling this month (take a breather!)

First the tip!

Connect the shoulder to the knee that is pulled up in passe.  

Whether you are doing a pirouette en dehors or en dedans, you want to feel like there is a string attached from your shoulder to your knee so it doesn't move. This will help keep the shape of the passe as you rotate.

How to prepare for this:

1. Find your passe standing flat with a comfortable hip placement and arms in first position. 

2. Take note in your peripheral vision of where your shoulder is in relation to your knee. It should not be in front of or behind the position of the knee. If it is either of those things, adjust and then do #1 again.

When you turn:

1. Square yourself off, shoulders and hips, in your fourth position demi-plie, so no part of you is twisted.

2. As you start your turn, use your peripheral vision again to make sure the knee doesn't get ahead of the shoulder which means you are a) losing your turnout at the top of your leg b) collapsing your core or c) pinching your shoulder blades.

To finish the turn:

1. See yourself in the passe if you are turning in front of a mirror, with squared-off shoulders.

2. Roll down on the support leg as you simultaneously release the passe leg to the floor. 

Next the technique!

Beginning Thursday, July 1, I will be teaching a brand new class called Basic Ballet at Inspire Dance Studio from 7-8:30PM. This will be a class exploring the fundamentals of ballet and is suitable for dancers with no experience at all, as well as students who might have tried it as kids, more experienced dancers who took some time off during the pandemic or who had children or an injury, or anyone who wants to brush up on the things they never learned correctly!

There are so many reasons to take a basic class, even if you have lots of experience.

1. With time to focus on technique rather than choreography, you can build muscle memory that will later help you pick up choreography faster.

2. If you've been doing class online or via YouTube videos you haven't been getting corrections or personal guidance. This class can help you break newly-acquired bad habits.

3. Faster-paced classes rarely take the time for questions or to break down things we often take for granted like body positions, port de bras and epaulement, and movement quality.

Interested? Sign up here! Want to send info to a friend? Use this!

Finally some travel!

From June 15th through June 29th, I will be out of town and not teaching my classes, except for my final two YouTube Fridays, June 18th and 25th. When I return in July, hopefully I will see you in my new class! Looking for my complete schedule? Here you go!


Happy dancing! And relaxing!

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