Friday, February 11, 2011

Schedule change: I'm teaching at Dance Arts Academy!

Love your body: Spend Valentine's Day in ballet class!

Beginning on Monday, February 14th (Valentine's Day!), I will be teaching adult ballet from 9:30-11AM at Dance Arts Academy. The amazing Leon Logvinsky will be playing for me! I am thrilled to be teaching at Dance Arts - those of you who've taken class there know how spacious the studio is - and I'm especially happy to have Leon as an accompanist.

I hope you'll join me if you have a Monday morning free - or need a boost to start your week!

What: Adult Beg/Int ballet
Where: Dance Arts Academy, 731 So. La Brea Ave, LA 90036
When: Mondays, 9:30-11AM, starting 2/14

Happy dancing~


maleahbliss said...

I. L.O.V.E. that PAINTING!!!!!

WISH I could be there! I could use a good butt kicking. But, I don't think the airplane gods are going to grant my wish.



Leigh Purtill said...

I wish you could too, Maleah!