Monday, August 1, 2022

August newsletter is here!


August 2022 schedule - In-studio and online!

Sunday (Inspire Dance Studio)
10AM-11:30AM - Intermediate ballet
11:30AM-1PM - Gentle Ballet **NOW 90 MINS**
Tuesday (Live Arts LA) 
7-8:30PM - Beg/Intermediate ballet
Wednesday (Inspire)
6:30-8PM - Beginner ballet
8-9PM - Beginner Jazz **SUPER FUN**
Thursday (Inspire)
7-8:30PM - Basic ballet
Saturday (Inspire)
9:30-11AM - Beginner ballet
11AM-12PM - Pointe/pre-pointe **NEW TIME**

New class: Gentle Ballet Sundays 11:30AM
QUESTION: "What is Gentle Ballet and how does it differ from Basic Ballet (and btw, how does THAT differ from Beginner Ballet?"
Gentle Ballet is intended for any level dancer who wants to take class in a slightly less traditional way. They might be brand new, recovering from an injury, or need modifications for the exercises. It will not include grand plies, pirouettes or big jumps; many exercises will be in parallel and/or facing the barre. Center work will include port de bras, traveling steps and short combinations.
Basic Ballet is my most elementary technique class and is the foundation for more advanced vocabulary. It is structured as a typical class and includes barre, center, jumps and turns. It's designed for dancers with little to no experience in ballet.
Beginner Ballet is the next level before Intermediate and includes more advanced vocabulary and more complex combinations than Basic. Dancers in this class are expected to know the basics at the barre and in center.
(P.S. - I teach all 3 of these classes! Tell your friends!)
TECHNIQUE TIP BLOG POST! In case you missed it:
When Ballet Attacks - Get Big! Frequently we make ourselves smaller when faced with new steps or challenging combinations. This post talks about how and why to do the opposite!
***HEY! Have YOU tried Beginner Jazz yet? Each week we dance to great music, work up a sweat, and learn some new choreography (either original or a classic jazz piece). It's so much fun! Wednesdays at 8PM!***

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